A new 2020 Yorkshire Dales Photography Competition is being launched this week inviting talented amateur photographers to capture the Yorkshire Dales they love on camera.

With its spectacular landscapes, unique wildlife and vibrant communities, the Yorkshire Dales means something different to everyone. The competition hopes to inspire photographers to encapsulate what it is that makes it special to them.

The competition is being run by The Garden Rooms at Tennants and charity Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust (YDMT).

David Sharrod, Chief Executive at Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust, said: “Whether you’re inspired by the limestone landscapes, wildflower meadows, native birds or rural village life, we’re looking for photographs that show the Yorkshire Dales you love.”

Photographs from selected finalists will be included in a gallery exhibition at The Garden Rooms at Tennants in May and June next year. The overall winning entry, as voted for by the public, will receive a prize of photographic vouchers worth £100 and a Yorkshire Dales hamper, and will be included in the Yorkshire Dales Millennium Trust 2021 Calendar. Eleven runners up will be selected by judges for inclusion in the Calendar.

Alison Tennant, Director of The Garden Rooms at Tennants commented: “There are some exceptionally talented amateur photographers in the Yorkshire Dales, and we look forward to seeing the results of their creativity”.

The competition will run until Spring 2020. To enter please visit www.tennantsgardenrooms.com or email [email protected]

Photo: Scales Moor with Ingleborough in the background, winner of YDMT’s 2019 photography competition.